Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2020

Selbstverständlich kann Trump noch irrer werden.

Dr. Fauci, oberster Epidemiologe der USA, tritt nicht mehr im Weißen Haus auf, weil IQ45 sich strikt weigert die Realität anzuerkennen.

Fauci, der Chef des Nationalen Instituts für Allergien und Infektionskrankheiten (NIAID) wird systematisch vom Weißen Haus kaltgestellt und beschädigt, um Trumps Lügengeschichten zu schützen.

[…..] Präsident Donald Trumps Handelsberater Peter Navarro schrieb in einem Gastbeitrag für USA Today, Fauci habe in jedem Punkt, in dem er mit ihm in der Krise zu tun gehabt habe, falsch gelegen. "Wenn Sie mich also fragen, ob ich auf Dr. Faucis Rat höre, ist meine Antwort: nur mit Skepsis und Vorsicht." [……] Trump selbst hatte dem Immunologen, der Teil der Corona-Arbeitsgruppe des Weißen Hauses ist, Ende vergangener Woche vorgeworfen, "viele Fehler" gemacht zu haben.
[……] Das Weiße Haus hatte am Sonntag eine Liste mit Aussagen Faucis an ausgewählte Medien geschickt, die zeigen sollte, dass sich dieser in der Pandemie mehrfach getäuscht habe. Die New York Times wertete die Liste des Weißen Hauses als Versuch, die Glaubwürdigkeit des Experten zu untergraben. [….]

Unglücklicherweise hält sich die Realität nicht an die Trumpschen und FOXschen Lügengeschichten, nach denen der Lockdown und die Masken unnötig sind, das SarS-CoV2 eine demokratische Hoax ist und man alle Alltagsbeschränkungen aufheben sollte. Blöderweise waren die Lobgesänge auf die Trump-treuen erzkonservativen republikanischen Gouverneure, die ihre Staaten von Corona-Einschränkungen „befreiten“, die eigentliche hoax.

Nun warden die roten Staaten durchseucht, die zweite Welle läuft – genau wie von Dr. Fauci prognostiziert – über das republikanische Kernland.

Aber auch gegen diese unangenehmen Zahlen findet die Trump-Administration ein Mittel.
Das Weiße Haus weist nun alle US-Krankenhäuser die Corona-Infektionen nicht mehr an die Gesundheitsbehörde CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) zu melden, sondern direkt an die Trump-Regierung.
Keine Zahlen, kein Problem. Was das CDC nicht weiß, macht es nicht heiß.

[….] The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and send all Covid-19 patient information to a central database in Washington beginning on Wednesday. The move has alarmed health experts who fear the data will be politicized or withheld from the public.
The new instructions were posted recently in a little-noticed document on the Department of Health and Human Services website. From now on, the department — not the C.D.C. — will collect daily reports about the patients that each hospital is treating, the number of available beds and ventilators, and other information vital to tracking the pandemic. […..]

Es geht schon lange nicht mehr um die Frage, OB Trump ein gefährlicher, amoralischer Verbrecher ist, sondern nur noch darum, daß sämtliche Abgeordnete seiner Partei ihn dabei bis heute unterstützen, obwohl schon 137.000 Amerikaner an der Seuche gestorben sind.

Eine zweite Frage ist natürlich, ob nicht die Millionen fanatischen Trump-Fans im Land, auch wenn sie nur FOX-News gucken und dort systematisch irregeleitet werden, dennoch merken müssten, daß ihr cult-leader ganz offensichtlich geistesgestört ist.

Gestern bot seine Ansprache vor dem Weißen Haus dafür besonders gutes Anschauungsmaterial.
In einem wüsten Anti-Biden-Rant log der orange-Geschminkte sogar für seine Verhältnisse extrem frech.

[……] Trump hat eine Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus zu einem außergewöhnlichen Wahlkampfauftritt genutzt. Unentwegt attackierte er seinen Rivalen Biden mit zahlreichen falschen Behauptungen.
Eigentlich sollte US-Präsident Donald Trump im Rosengarten des Weißen Hauses über die Maßnahmen gegen China und dessen Sicherheitsgesetz sprechen, das gegen Hongkongs Teilautonomie vorgeht. Doch Trump nutzte die Pressekonferenz zu einer Wahlkampfrede, die "selbst für seine Verhältnisse extrem war", wie es CNN nannte. Der TV-Sender zählte auf die Schnelle 19 falsche oder irreführende Aussagen in dem rund einstündigen Monolog.
Statt über China zu sprechen, holte Trump vor allem gegen seinen demokratischen Rivalen Joe Biden aus, den er mehrfach "verschlafenen Joe" nannte, und verbreitete Unwahrheiten über die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie in den USA. [……] Die USA hätten "nahezu die niedrigste Sterberate", behauptete der US-Präsident. [……]
Die Zahlen widersprechen Trump: Die USA haben eine der höchsten Sterberaten aller von der Corona-Pandemie betroffenen Staaten.
[……] Er behauptete, Bidens Sohn Hunter habe keinen Job gehabt, bevor er 2014 in den Verwaltungsrat des ukrainischen Gasproduzenten Burisma berufen wurde. Hunter war jedoch zuvor Anwalt bei der Kanzlei Boies Schiller Felxne und außerdem als Professor an der Georgetown Universität, als CEO einer von ihm mitgegründeten Investmentfirma und als Vorstandsvorsitzender beim Welternährungsprogramm der USA tätig. [……] (Tagesschau, 15.07.20)

Während sich CNN -  CNN zählte 45 schwachsinnige Sätze in dieser einen 52-Minuten-Rede auf - oder Tagesschau sofort daran machten, Trumps Lügen zu „debunken“, also die Wahrheit dagegen zu stellen, richte ich mein Augenmerk eher darauf wie er es sagte – nämlich vollkommen wirr und sinnentleert.

Wie ist es nur möglich diesen vollkommen ausgeflippten Schwall unsinniger Halbsätze über sich ergehen zu lassen, ohne zu verstehen, daß dieser Mann mental erledigt ist.
Man muss dazu nur sein Transcript lesen.

[……] China has 1.4 billion people. We have 325, probably 325 million approximately, nobody can give the exact count.
We’re trying to get an exact count, but you have over the years, m
any illegals who have come into the country. So it depends on how you want to count it. But you could say 325 to 350 million people, as opposed to 1.4 billion people. And the World Trade is terrible, that deal is terrible. The World Health is terrible deal. [……]  In contrast, Joe Biden’s entire career has been a gift to the Chinese Communist Party and to the calamity of errors that they’ve made. They made so many errors and it’s been devastating for the American worker. [……] Joe Biden supported China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. One of the greatest geopolitical and economic disasters in world history. [……]   As Vice President Biden was a leading advocate of the Paris Climate Accord, which was unbelievably expensive to our country. Would have crushed American manufacturers while allowing China to pollute the atmosphere with impunity yet one more gift from Biden to the Chinese Communist Party. They took all of the advantage away from us. They took everything away. They don’t have oil. We would have had to close up a tremendous amounts of our energy to qualify, eventually, not too far into the future. We would have had to do things that would have been unbelievably destructive to our country, including the possible closing of 25% of our businesses, think of that. [……]  And you just have to look at what took place this year in Paris and France, where money was being sent to countries all over the world and the people of France didn’t want to take it. And they didn’t. And they did a lot of rioting. [……]  They’re building a massive military and Biden wants to defund our military and the world needs American strength right now, more than ever. And we’ve got it. We’ve got now, soon as all this equipment comes in, all made in the USA, we’ve got the newest, most incredible weapons anywhere in the world. We have the best tanks, the best ships, the best missiles, rockets. We have the best of everything. We have the best fighter jets, the F-35, the F-18. All of these assets are being built, tankers, incredible tankers, bombers. [……] And then I did Europe. When I started seeing what was going on in Italy and Spain and France and other countries in Europe I did a ban on people coming in from Europe. That would have been disastrous for our country also. And we saved tens of thousands of lives, but we actually saved millions of lives. By closing up, we saved millions, potentially, millions of lives. Could be, a number that we’re actually working on, but it could be 2 to 3 million lives. So we’re at 135,000, [……] But if we had listened to Joe Biden, hundreds of thousands of additional lives would have been lost. And if you look at the job he did on swine flu, I looked at a poll. They have polls on everything nowadays and they got very bad marks on the job they did on the swine flu. H1N1, he calls it N1H1. H1N1 got very poor marks from Gallup on the job they did on swine flu. And they stopped very early on, testing. They totally stopped it. They just said stop. And frankly, if we didn’t test, you wouldn’t have all the headlines because we’re showing cases.

And frankly, if we didn’t test, you wouldn’t have all the headlines because we’re showing cases. And we have just about the lowest mortality rate. But if we did… Think of this, if we didn’t do testing, instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing, we would have half the cases. If we did another… You cut that in half, we’d have yet again, half of that, but the headlines are always testing. Now the testing is a good thing, but at the same time, it’s fodder for the fake news to report cases. So we’re doing 40 million plus, going to be very close to 45 million people. And when I turned on the news, I see cases, cases, cases. They don’t talk about deaths being cut down to a level that actually tenfold they use. [……] my administration acted very early to ban travel from China, from Europe, saving all of these lives, incredible. And I want everyone to know, I want every citizen now that we’re using the full power of the Federal government to fight the China virus and to keep our people safe. Through Operation Warp Speed, we will deliver a vaccine in record breaking time. [……] And I think you’re going to have some good news very, very quickly having to do with the vaccines. We’re also working with many other countries on the vaccine. Many countries are working with us. We’re unleashing our nation’s scientific genius to kill the virus. Joe Biden didn’t just side with China on the virus, he did. He called me again, xenophobic. That’s what he said. You all heard it many times. He described the rise of China as “a very positive development”. It’s not a positive development. Not for us it’s not. He said that the idea that China is our competition is really bizarre. He’s really bizarre. He said, “China is not a problem.” No, nobody’s ripped us off more than China over the last 25, 30 years, nobody close. And he says China is not a problem. Now he takes it all back. Now he wants to be Mr. Tough Guy. [……] Biden sides with China over America time and time again. And he said on the 4th of July, “American history is no fairytale.” And yet blindly celebrates China saying few nations in history have come so far so fast. He’s so proud of them. He’s so proud of them. Now, Joe Biden is pushing a platform that would demolish the U.S. economy, totally demolish it. [……] Joe Biden put AOC, a young woman not talented in many ways, in charge of his energy plan and the environment essentially. Her and Bernie Sanders who ran a lot of times for president, never made it. Good base, but that’s about it. In other words, he wants to impose the Green New Deal on our country. When I first saw the Green New Deal, I thought it was a joke. I said, “This will never go anywhere.” Now they’re trying to impose it. This will destroy our country and make us non-competitive with other countries. [……] The European union was formed in order to take advantage of the United States. They formed and they take advantage of the United States. And I know that, they know I know that, but other presidents had no idea. [……] And by the way, by far the most, find out which country tested 45 million people. If China, if Russia, if India tested 45 million people, or if they did tests like we did, check out how many cases they’d have. But it’s still, we’ve done a great job. Get no credit for it. And I don’t want the credit. I want the people that have done this great job. The people that have done such an incredible job when building the ventilators, and doing the testing, and building a testing platform that’s been amazing. We have many platforms. Many companies have come up with different forms of tests. [……] This is Biden. Biden’s gone radical left.
Increase refugee admissions by 700%. Huh? That’s a lot, by 700%. Nobody’s ever heard of such a thing. Increase refugee admissions by 700%. Abolish law enforcement as we know it. [……] Abolish law enforcement as we know it. End cash bail, no bail. Just, we let you right out. Look at what’s happened to New York. Crime is up. Shootings are up at numbers that nobody’s ever seen before. Look at Chicago. What a disaster. And we’re waiting for them to call us because we’re all set to go. We have the FBI. We have Homeland Security. We have everybody ready to go. We have the National Guard. They’re all ready to go. End cash bail, releasing dangerous criminals onto our streets, cash bail. New York just did that. Other places have done it. They haven’t turned out too good. [……] And I hope you don’t mind cold office space in the winter and warm office space in the summer, because your air conditioning is not the same as the good old days. Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035. Zero, we’re talking about zero. Nothing can go in the air. Mandate net zero carbon emissions by 2050. And I believe he’s changing that. He’s bringing it down. He wants no petroleum product. He wants no oil or gas. I don’t think Texas is going to do too well. They’re going to get rid of about 7 million jobs if you go by the Biden plan. [……] Probably there has never been a time, and this is just a few. It’s much worse than that. We did this very quickly. There’s probably never been a time when candidates are so different. We want law and order. They don’t want law and order. We want strong, closed borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process. They don’t want to have any borders at all. They’re going to rip down the wall. It was hard to get that built. And now it’s almost completed. It’ll be completed by a little after the end of the year. They want to rip it down and it’s had such an impact. It’s incredible. It stops trafficking, human trafficking of women and children, but women mostly. Human trafficking, one of the worst things ever, all at a that it’s never been at because of the internet. You think of it as an ancient statement. You wouldn’t think that’s possible today, but it’s human trafficking of women and children. And they want to let that continue. The wall has stopped it so much because they will go over to a section where there aren’t people, not an entry point, and they’ll make a left into the United States and they’re on their way. They can’t do that anymore. We have a 30 foot wall that goes six feet into the ground, stops a lot of the tunneling, because they’re pretty good at tunnels. But we watch the tunnels and we have equipment for that. You can’t make a left anymore and come into the United States loaded up with human traffic. So they want to take down the wall. They want to have open borders. Think of open borders today though with the pandemic. I mean, the timing is sort of interesting, but with the pandemic.

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